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Lesson 14 speech on hitler27s invasion of the ussr.ppt

2023-07-26 11:40| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

1、ADVANCED ENGLISH Book I,14,Speech on Hitlers Invasion of the U.S.S.R,Winston S. Churchill,I. The explanation of the title:,What does “Hitlers invasion of the U.S.S.R” mean ? It means Hitler invaded the U.S.S.R. What does “U.S.S.R” stand for?It stands for Union of Soviet Socialist Republic. It is ini

2、tialing , a kind of abbreviation (shortening). Paraphrase: When Hitler invaded the Union Of Soviet Socialist Republic on June 22,1941, Churchill broadcast the speech about the invasion on the same day.,II. What is the type of the writing of the text?,In English writing, there are four types, namely

3、description, narration, exposition, argumentation. Which of the four is the most suitable to this text “Speech on Hitlers Invasion of the U.S.S.R ? Argumentation. The writer of an argumentative essay tries to convince other people to agree with his point of view, to approve a policy or a course of a

4、ction that he proposes, or to do something that he wants to be done. Speeches on policies, editorials of newspapers, articles on political or theoretical questions, are often argumentation .,III. Additional Background Material for Sir Winston Churchill,Early Life,Born on Nov. 30, 1874, at Blenheim P

5、alace In 1888, he went to Harrow and then to the Royal Military College at Sandhurst and graduated in1894. In 1895, visited the Spanish army In 1897, was with the British army In 1898, took part in the battle of Omdurman in the Sudan as a war correspondent In 1899, set out for the Boer War as corres

6、pondent to the London Morning Post,Young Politician,In 1900, entered the House of Commons. In 1904, joined the Liberals. By 1908, was a member of Lord Asquiths cabinet. In Oct.1911, was appointed First Lord of the Admiralty. In 1915, lost his Admiralty post. In 1917, returned to the government. firs

7、t as Minister of Munitions, then as Minister of War.,Interwar Years,In 1924, severed his ties with liberalism and went back to the Conservative Party, became Chancellor of the Exchequer. Opposed the Russian Revolution. From 1929 to the outbreak of war he was out of office.,World War II,In May 1940 ,

8、 he became Prime Minister, and took part in all the important conferences with Roosevelt and Stalin during the war. He announced his new government in these words : “I have nothing to offer but blood , toil , tears and sweat Our policy is to wage war, by sea , land and air, with all our might .Our a

9、im is to win the victory .” In July 1945 he was defeated in the election.,Last Years,In 1951, he again became Prime Minister. In 1953, he was created Knight of the Garter by the Queen, and awarded the Noble Prize in literature.In 1955, resigned office and ended his public career.He died on Jan. 24,

10、1965.,Churchills Works,Churchills work, combining personal perspective with grand historical themes, are written with great sweep and lucidity. They include The World Crisis (6 vols. 1923-1931), an account of World War I; The Second World War (6 vols. 1948-1953); History of the English Speaking Peop

11、les (4 vols. 1956-1958),IV. Additional Background Material for World War II,Question 1: When was the 1st World War ? Answer:Question 2: When was the 2nd World War? Answer:,The 1st World War started in 1914 by Lenins October Revolution, ended in 1918.,The 2nd World War broke out on Ju1y 7,1937, by Ja

12、panese Invasion of China, or on Sept. 1, 1939, by Germans invasion of Poland and Britain and France waged war against German. It ended in May, or August, 1945.,How did Churchill know that Hitler would invade Russia?,Answer: Before the fall of Poland, British intelligence officers managed to get hold

13、 of a German coding machine and a group of code-breaking experts, called the Blotchily Park group, soon discovered how the machine worked. With the help of this machine, the British were able to decipher all German coded messages. So on June 6, the British had already learnt that Hitler was to attac

14、k Russia and passed on a warning to the Soviet Union, which was unheeded.,When did Churchill begin to write the speech?,Answer:On June 20, two days before the invasion, Churchill worked on a speech to be broadcast to the world when the invading forces rolled into Russia.,V. Additional Background Mat

15、erial for Political System,British Government,King /Queen Elizabeth II,Parliament,Upper House of Lord,Lower House of Common,U.S.A Government,President,Vice-president,Congress,Senate,House of Representatives,大臣,内政大臣,Ministers in the Cabinet,首相;国务大臣,文官大臣,外交和联邦事务大臣,贸易和工业大臣,Prime Minister; Minister of S

16、tate Minister for the Civil Service Secretary of State for the HomeDepartment Secretary of State for Foreign andCommonwealth Affairs Secretary of State for Trade andIndustry and President of the Board of Trade,Ministers in the Cabinet,Secretary of State for Defense Social Service Secretary of State

17、for Employment Energy Secretary of State for the EnvironmentEducation and Science,国防、社会事务大臣,就业、能源大臣,环保、科教大臣,Ministers Not in the Cabinet,Ministers Not in the Cabinet,Local Government,County 郡 District 区 Region 大区 Perish 教区 Community 社区 Town 镇 Metropolitan DistrictCounty 城市区、郡 Borough (District) Coun

18、cil 市、区议会 Council of London Borough 伦敦议会 Lord Mayor 大市长,VI. Title of British Noblemen 、Peers,Duke 公爵,Marquis 侯爵,Earl/Count 伯爵,Viscount 子爵,Lord/Baron 男爵,Baronet 准、从男爵,Knight 爵士,Dukedom 公爵地位,Marquises 女侯爵,Countess 女伯爵,Viscountess 女子爵,Sir (prefix to the name of a Baronet or Knight),VII. Detailed Study

19、of the Text,Listen to the tape about the text once.Get the general idea about the speech.How many parts can the text be divided and how is the speech composed ?,The speech was carefully composed. It is full of grave themes and weighty arguments. It consists of two main parts. The first part is from

20、the beginning to the first line on Para. 6. Its about the background of the speech, their preparation for the speech; when and how the Germans attacked the Soviet Union and their reaction or their stand or attitude to the news of Hitlers invasion of U.S.S.R. And the second part is from Para. 7 to th

21、e end, which is the content of the speech.,In the speech, firstly, Churchill seriously condemned Nazi Germany in general and in particular the crimes Hitler had committed in the invasion of the U.S.S.R. Secondly, the speech focuses on the British governments policy and declaration. Thirdly, Churchil

22、l pointed out the motive of Hitlers invasion namely, the prelude to invasion of the British Isles. He declared his immediate and strong aid to Soviet Union and called on the attention of the people all over the world to unite and fight against the Nazi fascists. Finally, he came to the logical concl

23、usion “The Russian danger is therefore our danger” and ended his speech with a powerful call “Let us redouble our exertions, and strike with united strength while life and power remains.”,. The speech is well-organized. Its unified and coherent. Its full of the use of figures of speech such as the r

24、epetition, parallelism, contrast ( balanced sentence ), metaphor, simile and biblical allusion. The choice of the words is well- polished. He chose some big words or formal words to show the style of the speech.,1. Comprehension questions for para.1-3,When did Churchill learn about the news of the G

25、erman attack? Had he ever thought that Hitler would attack Russia? What was his reaction on learning the news? How did the Germans attack Russia? What happened to the Russians? Why did he think unnecessary to consult the War Cabinet?,Part One:,Language pointsConviction: n. a very firm and sincere be

26、lief.For example, I speak in the full conviction that our cause is just. I am in the full conviction that the situation will be improved.convince : v. 使相信,说明。应与of连用,或与有连接词that之名词子句连用。 For example,I am convinced of his innocence by your argument. He is convinced of its truth. The mistakes she made co

27、nvinced that she had not studied her lesson.,Compare:,Convict: v. to find someone guilty of a crime, esp. in a court law; for example, The criminal was convicted of murder.Convict: n. a person who has been found guilty of a crime and sent to prison, esp. for a long time. For example, an escaped conv

28、ict;Conviction: n. 1.(u.) the act of convicting; 2. (c.) an occasion on which one has been convicted; 3. (c. u.) very firm and sincere belief,Compare: belief, faith, conviction,Belief: 乃是一般用语。Eg. His belief in superstition gets him into trouble.Faith: 应用于毫无根据,只基于自己之信任。Eg. I have faith in his ability

29、 to succeed.Conviction: 应用于一种坚定之信念,乃是由于他人使之相信后所生之坚定信念。Conviction generally implies that a prior doubt existed and now has been removed because one has been convinced or assured of the truth.,Sentence translation,I had not the slightest doubt where our duty and policy lay. Nor indeed what to say. 对于我

30、们的职责所在、政策所归,我没有半点犹豫;对我要发表的讲话也无半点的怀疑。(参考译文) 改译:对我们的职责、政策所在我毫无疑虑,对我要讲些什么也成竹在胸。,What is a litotes?,It is a form of understatement which gains its particular effect by phrasing in the negative what it wishes to say positively.曲言,也叫间接肯定法。指用反对语的否定来表示肯定的一种修辞法。 Eg.1. This is no small accomplishment.2. This

31、is not at all unpleasant.3. He is no fool.4. No rare occurrence,Nor indeed what to say.This is an elliptical sentence. The full or completed one of it is as follows :Nor had I indeed the slightest doubt as to what I was to say. 译文:我也完全清楚该如何就此发表声明,Paraphrase,Give notice: inform = Notice should be giv

32、en. Hasten: v. (cause to ) move or happen faster , connoting urgency or sometimes a sudden and premature result; e.g. When Ludendorffs (德国鲁登道夫将军)army met defeat on the western front , Germany hastened to open negotiations for an armistice. (Armistice Day :Nov.11; Veterans Day ) On an enormous front:

33、 on a large scale,Who is General Dill? (Note 2),Sir John Green Dill (1881-1944) 约翰格林第尔爵士 British field marshal 英国陆军元帅 Chief of the Imperial General Staff 帝国总参谋长、英国皇军总参谋长 Chief of Staff (美)陆军或空军参谋长 A member of the joint Anglo-American board of strategy 英美联合战略董事会成员 19411944年任英国驻美国联合参谋使团团长,被公认为英国首屈一指的战

34、略家。他对盟国的最大贡献是在驻华盛顿时期(1941-1944)时协调西方两个主要盟国的军事方针。他和美国总参谋长马歇尔的友谊大大地促进了英美的团结一致。,Had surprised a large portion of : took the Russians by surprise and destroyed a high percentage of Soviet airplanes before they could take off; e.g. to surprise the enemy Round up: herd together ; collect together (people

35、or animals) who are scattered. Surround and capture In hordes: in large quantities numbers,Paraphrase,To consult the War Cabinet: to ask advice of the War Cabinet ; On 10 May 1940, Churchill formed a national government (coalition government) with him as the Prime Minister and Atlee from the Labor P

36、arty as the Deputy Prime Minister. (战时内阁。指1940年5月由邱吉尔组建的联合政府内阁,邱吉尔任首相,阿特例任副首相。)The following account of : the following descriptive report of ; This is a transitional paragraph .Count on upon: expect with confidence;Enlist: win the support of ; get the help or service of ; obtain,2. Comprehension qu

37、estions for para.4-6,What did Churchill think that Hitler was counting on? What was Churchills comment on Hitlers plan? Why did Churchills secretary ask him whether he was only conforming to the public opinion, with mental reservation on the question of German attack of Russia? What was Churchills r

38、eply? What did he mean by “making a favorable reference to the devil”?,Pictures of Buckingham Palace,London Downing Street,At Chequers 切克尔斯首相官邸,The Big Ben,Sentence translation,The following account of this Sunday at Chequers by my Private Secretary, Mr. Colville, who was on duty this weekend, may b

39、e of interest: 我的私人秘书克勒维尔先生正好周末值班,以下的记述是他就我的官邸一天来发生的事情的描述,也许与此有些关联。(参考译文) 改译:以下是我星期天当班的私人秘书克勒维尔先生记述的这一天发生在切克斯首相官邸的一些事情,现引述如下,以飨读者:,We count on upon your help.= count on you to helpYou had better not count on an increase in your salary this year.Can I enlist your help in collecting money for the peop

40、le made homeless by the foreign invaders?He tried to enlist their sympathies.Right Wing : the more conservative or reactionary section of a political party , group etc.,Paraphrase: Hitler was hoping that if he attacked Russia, he would win in Britain and the U.S.A. the support of those who were enem

41、ies of Communism.The same would be true of the U.S.A.= the United States would do the same adopt the same attitude.This is true of the rural area as well as of the urban area.,Why was Hitler counting on enlisting their sympathies in this country? Because Hitler thought that Britain was a capitalist

42、country and Right Wing who had always been an avowed enemy of communism . If he attacked Russia, he would count on enlisting their aids or supports. Why did Churchill side with the Soviet Union since he had always been an avowed enemy of communism? Because he had only one purpose now, the destructio

43、n of Hitler, who he thought was the worst in the world.,Questions:,On the croquet lawn: Croquet is an outdoor game in which the players use mallets to drive a wooden ball through a series of hoops placed in the ground. 槌球游戏 (一种用木槌击木球钻小圈的游戏)Revert: v. go back to a former subject; talk about again;The

44、 arch anti-Communist: the chief hostile to Communist (头号 反共大将) arch enemy; arch angel: angel of highest rank; a triumphal arch (凯旋门) a Gothic-arched gateway,Paraphrase:,This is not bowing down in the House of Rimmon: this is a metaphor and a biblical allusion.( see Note 11 to the text)一个圣经引述。 出自圣经旧约

45、中列王纪下5:15-18, 原意为“拜倒在伪神临门脚下”,常用来喻指“拜倒在金钱脚下”,在此处用来暗指“邱吉尔一贯反对共产主义,这样做是否改变了他以前的立场、观点或态度”。表面上与传统教或风俗一致,实际做起来保守由于政治目的,Rimmon 是大马士革叙利亚人崇拜的神。,Sentence translation,And I asked whether for him, the arch anti-Communist, this was not bowing down in the House of Rimmon. 我就问他,这种表态是不是表明他这位反共产主义干将将要改变自己的政治立场。(参考译文

46、) 改译:我问他,你这位反共干将是否言不由衷,(这种表态是不是作秀而已)。,To bow down (to);to bend forward the upper part of the body to show respect or yielding; to admit defeat and agree to serve; e.g. He was bowed down with care. 他因忧虑过度而精神不振.,If Hitler invaded Hell , I would make at least a favorable reference to the Devil: say a w

47、ord in favour of anyone who is attacked by Hitler, no matter how bad or how wicked or evil he had been in the past. It shows Churchills firm stand. Hell and Devil are the most hated place and the foe of mankind. They are used here as metaphor referring to the Soviet Union and Communism You should ma

48、ke a reference to a dictionary.Dont make any reference to his lameness.,To the effect (that) : having the result or implication that (大意是), 后接从句,有时还可表示 so that (以便)的目的意义。 e.g. He started early to the effect that (=so that) he might get there by lunchtime.I dont remember his exact words, but Im sure

49、he did say something to that effect.译文:我记不得他是怎么说的,但我肯定他讲话的大意是那样的。,Questions,Was Churchill surprised at the news of Hitlers invasion of the U.S.S.R.? No. he wasnt. Why?Because he had already learnt that Hitler was to attack on Russia with the help of a German coding machine and passed on a warning to the Soviet Union.,3. Comprehension questions for 8-9,How bad was the Nazi Regime according to Churchill? What pictures did Churchill present about the war in U.S.S.R.?,Part Two: The content of the speech,






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